We're looking for someone special to join our Shed Family

The Role: Health & Wellbeing Community Connector.          Have a good read through and if you think you fit the bill please send your CV and a covering letter -


Broadstairs Town Shed (BTS), the flagship project delivered by Broadstairs Town Team (BTT), offers a safe, welcoming creative space for over 50s to work together on woodworking and creative projects. For some it’s a place to drop in for a cuppa and a chat. For most it’s a lifeline, helping them reintegrate into the community after a significant life event such as retirement, bereavement, stroke, or a mental illness.

Over the past 10 years, Broadstairs Town Shed has championed the health and wellbeing of over 50s and men across Thanet.

We are now seeing an increase in professional referrals for Shed membership, direct signposting requests and demand for individual person-centred support and specialist knowledge.

To successfully meet these demands, the Health and Wellbeing Community Connector will develop a formal support framework and community health and wellbeing engagement programme. This role will also consolidate our learnings, experience, and partnership working to deliver stronger integrated community wellbeing programmes, community signposting and management of referral requests. 

For more details please download the Health & Wellbeing Community Connector Job Description and Person Specification here:
20250305_H&WCC Job Description March 202
Adobe Acrobat Document 165.2 KB

Key features

·       Quantifying our community health and wellbeing impact to date and establishing an achievable and sustainable strategy of continued growth.

·       Development and implementation of the following processes and documentation:

o   Professional referral

o   Signposting

o   One to one support process

o   Partnership agreements and communication

·       Relevant policy reviews

·  Development and delivery support of a Shed based health & wellbeing community engagement programme - Wellbeing Mondays

Development of a training programme to enable volunteers to deliver one to one support and signposting.


Key attributes

  • Experience in working on voluntary sector projects, liaising with and managing volunteers
  • Demonstrable experience, paid or unpaid, supporting clients who are facing barriers to health and wellbeing exacerbated by long term health issues and disabilities, and a track record of helping them move towards a positive outcome (eg. re-engaging with their community)
  • Experience  of the local landscape in terms of referral agencies, partners and collaborators
  • Good networking skills and willingness to present what the Shed does, is, and aims to do
  • Strong awareness of diversity and inclusion, you will have the ability to judge situations and personalities quickly and adapt style accordingly
  • Experience of making assessment of need on a one to one basis and delivering client-facing, service-led provision
  • Good understanding of equal opportunities and an ability to translate this into work practices.
  • An understanding of the issues facing communities in east Kent
  • Experience of working with external partners and stakeholders to provide effective signposting and referral routes for clients
  • IT skills including Word, email, Internet Explorer, media packages and social media
  • Excellent communicator who can build partnerships and work with people from a variety of backgrounds, experiences and abilities within the Shed and out in the community
  • An ability to build and sustain relationships with clients/ participants
  • Good planning and organisational skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities
  • A confident self-starter who can plan ahead, work independently, and work effectively in a team, be self-motivated and use own initiative
  • A sense of humour and lightness of touch, but an innate sense of our aims and goals always at the forefront
  • Good understanding of data protection requirements
  • Clear understanding of participant confidentiality
  • Understanding of professional boundaries within the role
  • An understanding and appreciation of the role of the VCSE sector
  • Ability to show empathy
  • Ability to update own knowledge
  • Community spirited
  • Supportive of individuals and colleagues
  • Ability to be flexible and adaptable to changing needs
  • Can do attitude/proactive
  • Innovative and the ability to think outside of the box
  • Tact, diplomacy
  • Emotional resilience to work objectively and professionally with vulnerable people
  • Understanding of or willingness to learn about the needs of a wide range of socially excluded people. 

Terms and salary :

12 to 18 hours per week. £26000 pro rata

Please email your CV and a covering letter, telling us why you're perfect for the role. Please put Health & Wellbeing Community Connector in the subject line.