Update on Shed Opening up. July 2021

We are delighted that we can once again open up The Shed to existing and potential new members on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


We have adjusted our Code of Conduct to adhere to current Government guidelines and to ensure all members and visitors keep safe and well when visiting and joining in activities in the workshop and the rest of the building. 

If you would like to know more about those guidelines and safe practices in place please email here

Previous updates on Covid measures and guidelines.

Covid 19 and The Shed.

Update from Broadstairs Town Team Trustees about The Shed. July 2020

This is a letter and email sent to all our members.
We hope you are keeping safe and well.
We wanted to let you know that unfortunately the Shed will not be opening in July.  We have gone through the detailed guidance issued by the government and also the advice provided by UK Mens Shed and we just do not think it is safe for you all to return to the Shed.
We wanted you to know that we are thinking of safeguards that we can put in place when the Shed does open, such as, keeping you in small groups and allocating different sessions to each group.  Cleaning all equipment and workstations will be essential between each groups visit.  There is lots to think about and we will have this all in place when the Shed opens.
But when will that be? 
We just don’t know, but we want to share with you the process we go through in deciding.   The government makes announcements and later publishes the detailed guidance.  We set our trustees meetings to be within a few days of the government’s announcement so that can respond to the latest advice.
The next announcements on social distancing are due at the end of July and we will meet shortly after to review the changes.  At that point we will update you again.
We are sorry that Shed is not open yet, but we really want to keep you safe.
We are also sorry that we cannot tell you when it will open but we don’t know what the next announcement from the government will say.
You are all part of our wonderful Shed family and we hope to see you all soon.
Keep safe
Kerry, Pip, Simon and Karen

It's a very tricky time for everyone.

Sadly, The Shed has had to close, as many others have too during lockdown.

We are monitoring Government and UK Men's Shed Association guidelines linked to spaces like ours for safe gathering and sharing stories, whittling, skills and friendship. We will keep you all informed as to when we can welcome members back.


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Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Non igitur potestis voluptate omnia dirigentes aut tueri aut retinere virtutem.